Bartoline Methylated Spirit 500ml
Product image for Bartoline Methylated Spirit 500ml

Bartoline Methylated Spirit 500ml

About this product

Bartoline Methylated Spirit 500ml is a versatile and essential product for a wide range of uses. Ideal for both household and professional applications, it can be used as a solvent cleaner or as a fuel for camping stoves. This superior grade alcohol-based product evaporates quickly without leaving residue, providing efficient and effective results. The Bartoline Methylated Spirit is easy to use with its secure, resealable cap that prevents spillage and ensures safe storage.

Key features
  • Top-grade alcohol-based solvent cleaner
  • Ideal for use in camping stoves as fuel
  • Evaporates quickly without leaving any residue
  • Suitable for both household and professional applications
  • Comes with a secure, resealable cap to prevent spillages
  • Available in a handy 500ml size for convenient use
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